Smart Secure offers a brand new, innovative way to safeguard Lithium Ion Batteries. It has revolutionised the Lithium Ion Battery industry and today boasts one of the best Anti - Theft devices on the market.This innovative security device is integrated into the Lithium Ion Battery and is completely undetectable to would - be thieves. Smart Secure can be effortlessly fitted into just about any brand of Lithium Ion Telecommunications Battery on the market

Deactivation & Reactivation

Smart Secure’s unique ability to remotely and automatically control the functionality of the battery, makes it a world first in the fight against crime within the Telecommunications industry.

Tracking & Retrieval

Once a battery has been Deactivated, Smart Secure will automatically enter Tracking & Retrieval mode. This mode allows the appropriate user and or authorities, to begin tracking the stolen batteries in order to apprehend the criminals and retrieve the batteries.Smart Secure provides near Real Time Tracking with an accuracy of up to 10 meters.


Smart Secure has been designed and installed in such a way that criminals cannot detect the device once it has been integrated within the battery.Scanning a battery in order to detect the presence of a tracking device, will produce a negative result.